2014年1月22日 星期三

便攜式3D掃描儀Structure Sensor亮相消費電子展

去年9月份曝光的便攜式掃描儀Structure Sensor亮相CES 2014,這款設備是由Occipital公司推出的,此前這家公司推出了很受歡迎的全景拍照應用程式360 Panorama,如今他們將注意力放在硬體上。
這款3D掃描儀Structure Sensor擁有1個攝影鏡頭,2 個紅外線感應器,它還使用到了iPad本身的攝影鏡頭,所以可支援3D掃描。
不僅如此,它還結合了iPad的陀螺儀,加速度感應器,畫面顯示會更加準確。相比其他掃描儀的“龜速”,Structure Sensor可以瞬間呈現效果,通過專門設計的應用程式,它可以顯示瞬時抓取的3D訊息。


2014年1月8日 星期三

Vectr - Open Source 3D Sensing Gesture Controller

To provide feedback, Vectr has LEDs ringing its active sensing area. These LEDs light up according to the location of your hand. It lights red for the z axis and blue for the x and y axis. As you get closer to the surface, the red LEDs get brighter. As you move closer to a location on the x-y axis, the blue LEDs in that region get brighter and those farther away get dimmer. This makes Vectr visually stunning, brilliant for live play and, excellent for dark spaces.

Vectr can also recognize a number of simple gestures. It recognizes swiping gestures as well as circular motions over its surface. These gestures can be used as trigger outputs and for interacting with the built-in looping feature. Vectr provides a menu system that uses gestures to change the system behavior.

